Making Help More Accessible

We understand that most of our small and medium business clients sometimes struggle to find the help they need with their software and hosting services. According to most of our new customers, this has unfortunately been the case for quite some time.

We believe every customer has the right to the same amount of support for peace of mind. We do know that many businesses have different packages for support, which range from basic to priority. With most of the basic support packages, customers are often left to scavenge through online forums and communities to find answers to their questions.

How We Make It Right

At Bissesar Technologies Limited, we treat every customer in the same way – with respect and care. This way of treating our customers is rooted deep within our company values, and to ensure all our customers have access to help when they need it, we have introduced some helpful resources.

Through various channels, our support team is able to provide assistance to customers when support is required. All of our customers have access to the same tools, with the only exception being some larger clients who have dedicated support representatives who work closely with their internal teams.

Resources Reloaded

If we can develop custom solutions for our customers that simplify their processes, there is no reason we cannot do the same for ourselves. Doing so, in fact, reduces the pressure on our support team, who are then able to focus more clearly on solving problems with as little downtime or impacts as possible.

We understand that while some things may be simpler to understand for some customers, it may not be the cup of tea for the others. This is because we do have customers who have been in business and know the processes and tools their business needs and uses for decades, and we also have new businesses who are just starting up, and need the extra support they can get to get the ball rolling.

The Bissesar Wiki

The first point of reference and support for our customer is the Bissesar Wiki. It is a collection of helpful articles that have been prepared by our team product specialists who have an abundance of knowledge in their respective fields.

We have attempted to keep the language as simple as we could so most (if not all) of our customers can read the Wiki articles and solve most of the issues they might have.

Help Desk

The Bissesar Global Help Desk runs on industry-leading Zammad platform. Zammad has been a leader in implementing successful support stories for businesses all over Europe. Bissesar Technologies has invested in Zammad after many months of consultations, trials, and many reviews from customers who used it during its beta roll-out phases.

It simplifies the process of raising tickets and responding to them. The simple user interface ensures even customers who are new to technology to interact with the Help Desk and make the most of our support services.

Email and Phone

While we generally do not recommend our customers send us emails for support, we have taken the extra step to tie our support email addresses with our Help Desk. This means every email received by the support email addresses automatically is converted into a ticket, which can then either be replied to from the Help Desk or via emails.

Some of our customers also have access to dedicated support specialists through phone lines. This is usually the result of separate service level agreements with our larger customers, but may also be available to customers who don’t quite fit the criteria.

Paying for Support

That’s a big no from us. We charge absolutely nothing to provide support to customers who have an active contract with us. The only exception to this is when our larger customers have specific requirements that wander outside the scope of the services we have agreed to provide, in which case, separate agreements are signed to keep the support services on track.

Bissesar Technologies Limited