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Hosting Services Are Moving

We have been providing quality managed hosting services to our customers from around the world since 2016. All our managed hosting customers have trusted us with their data and communications that are critical for their daily business operations.

Time has now come to invest in a dedicated hosting infrastructure that scales with our growth, as we aim to introduce more products and services to existing and new customers.

Say Kia Ora to Moohost

In late 2022, Bissesar Technologies Limited helped in founding its subsidiary hosting company – Moohost Limited.

Moohost is a purpose-built company that focuses on providing the infrastructure, networking and on-demand quality support to our existing and future web and cloud hosting customers.

We have been surveying the web hosting market for over 2 years now, and the decision to incorporate Moohost was an exciting and inspiring one.

Stuff That’s Changing

So in short, all web hosting services currently being provided by Bissesar Technologies Limited will move to Moohost.

We have considered both the legal and cost fronts of this migration and couldn’t find anything but a boost in quality and value for our customers. Having Moohost on the side allows us to focus on developing and delivering quality software and web solutions, while the hosting affairs will be solely managed by the crew at Moohost.

Once the migration is complete, customers will receive bills from Moohost at the beginning of their next billing cycle. This will ensure that the payments are processed efficiently and rightfully to Moohost, who will be providing their infrastructure for web and cloud hosting purposes.

Ensuring the Right Remains Right

We understand that most of our customers have been loyal to us because of the quality services we have been providing to them for years. We also note that for many businesses, it does take time to adjust to changes and new way of doing things that they have been doing daily.

We have ensured that Moohost will be able to provide the same (and even better) support and security for our customers’ data and connectivity. Moohost’s servers have been procured from industry-leading data services providers from around the globe, who have the latest hardware and cutting-edge security to ensure no data is messed around wtih.

We ensure all our customers that the trust that has taken years to build will remain intact. Because Moohost Limited is a subsidiary of Bissesar Technologies Limited, we have a tight control on its decision-making process and investments to only allow what is beneficial to our customers to take place.

What You Need To Do

Nothing. We will get in touch when it’s your turn for the migration. Then, we will carefully and safely migrate all your existing websites, web-apps, and emails to Moohost’s servers. With Moohost, we will make the necessary changes and adjustments to cause as little downtime as possible, and advise private domain owners of the changes they need to make to their name services.

We anticipate that the entire migration could take up a year. We could fast-track the entire process, but we instead wish to take each step with as much care as we can to cause the minimal disruption to our customers. Bissesar Technologies Limited will continue to provide support to customers with existing hosting services both during, and after the migration, until their billing cycle is renewed.

Hiral P